Author: jennal

Instructing Inspiration

Instructing Inspiration

I’m always amazed at the work of my beginning Hand-building and Wheel students each semester at Hood College! They come a long way from first piece to final project. While I love seeing their own growth, I’m always amazed at how their explorations and ideas 

Hood College at the American Craft Council Show in Baltimore

Hood College at the American Craft Council Show in Baltimore

Hood College had the awesome privilege of participating in the American Craft Council Show in February at the Baltimore Convention Center with their School to Market program. After months of planning, building the booth, gathering materials, and firing work we had a fabulous and successful 

Winter Soda Firing

Winter Soda Firing

The weather was cold but my pots were ready, so I braved the cold spell in early January to fire the hybrid wood/soda kiln at Hood College. The results were great! It’s nice to finally get a kiln dialed in and be able to anticipate and plan where each piece goes to get the results you want. This firing took about 12 hours utilizing a medium amount of soda covered logs (soda ash/whiting/sawdust). Still more to learn but happy for now!

American Craft Week’s Rising Star Award 2016

American Craft Week’s Rising Star Award 2016

Wow!!! Excited and honored to be named one of American Craft Week’s Rising Stars in their national search for 30 Exceptional Craftspeople Under 30 for 2016! So blessed to be included in this years group. Check it out! Thanks to Stephen R Yarnall and the